Psikologi Kepribadian: Teori dan Penelitian(Edisi Kesembilan). Appreciation from people who are considered important to someone (significant others such as: parents, friends, relatives, etc.) also provide a very big influence on the development of self-concept. Where, the giver of appreciation and the amount of appreciation received by a person will determine the degree of self-concept that is formed. Reflected Appraisal states that a person's self-concept will be formed if he gets an award from someone else.
Shown from the attitude of adolescents that he tends to feel unliked by his parents and feel unnoticed. While the negative self-concept is Biased scannin type. The negative self-concept of social comparision type is of the view that it is indeed like what is said by others so that the view of itself really looks irregular because the self-concept formed is influenced by others. Pelalawan is a negative self-concept that is the type of social comparison and Biased scannin. Pelalawan is influenced by significant others. Results Self-concept owned by teenagers in Kec. This condition can occur where parents do not really understand and do not know that the verbal ability possessed by parents in communicating with children will be directly absorbed by children and form a sustainable behavior.
But parents should be able to give good examples to children by using language or words that are good and right. The phenomenon that lately occurs and entrenched in the environment of Indonesian society in general and in particular in the District of Kerumutan, Pelalawan Regency, which considers that talking harshly, berating, yelling, scolding, threatening to children is normal.